The reviews are the entertainment here.
I find that the reviews for this one are more entertaining than the movie.
Sls says it'll provide a "negitive impact on your Karma."
Yeah right! I agree with Frank Black who says "forget your ying and
go fuck your yang." Karma is a fantasy. It's explained by the id and the super ego concept.
Jumbotoz sez "Why did you have him up on the cross??? I thought that was pretty wierd."
Yeah weird because who ever heard of Jesus being hung on a cross?
Easily the stupidest one belongs to FreakmanJ who sez "Despite the fact that I'm atheist and have problems with religion, I technically am Christian."
Wow what an oxymoron. The very defination of christianity is professing belief in Jesus Christ and his teachings. JC taught that he was the son of God. The very defination of an Atheist is one who does not believe in god or gods. No FreakmanJ you are technically an idiot..
Jankynuts just baffles me with this "you better pray to god you don't wake up with tits in your lawn nailed to a cross asshole." Ummm.. Uhhh.. WTF?
BurningRanger91 sez "Well, all I can say is you have made a joke out of the base of the catholic religion. Congratulations, God now has you on his list, right after Bin Laden. See ya in hell" And I concur.. Congratulations for making a joke out of one of the most repressive bunch of child molestors on the planet.. It's interesting that the "forgiven, loving" god has a hit list.. Oh and BTW God has 74 beautiful teenage virgins for Bin Laden.
spirit12 thinks you may go to hell but he sez "man,this would be a lot better with more dresses" Hmmm.. I'm speechless!
LuvDaChunkyBitches sez "You made fun of Jesus... how could you? You better pray that you don't get sent to hell." And you just know that god approves of women being referred to as bitches. You're such a good x-tian..
But my favorite is Losperman's when he sez "And the boobs didn't quite match up to his chest. I could see the crease of his chest between the boobs, so that totally ruined my flurry of whacking." LOL.. The thought of somebody jerking off to a crucified Jesus with tits is both hilarious and frightening. This one made my day. Thanks Losperman. You rock.
Many of the reviewers have fallen prey to the lie that is religion.
JC was just another charismatic egomaniac. No different than Joseph Smith,
Jimmy Jones or Charles Manson. Dressing games are inherently stupid. This one isn't.
It's not about the game. It's about the humor. The joke is on all you ppl who are